Tag Archives: food


I have spent the week in South Africa, in Johannesburg to be more exact. I was very suspicious at first, because what happened to Anni, but this country is quite a nice place. I think she also thought that it was beautiful and nice, but then there are also things that you should absolutely not do or places you should not visit.  I will not go into that subject, but so far my visit has been good.

The best has been the people who I have met and the food. The food is absolutely lovely and someone said: I could never move to South Africa because I would eat and drink myself to death”

And I understand, the food is great, especially the meat, and not expensive at all. Yesterday I went to The Meat Co with a friend from work. I had a fantastic piece of File mignon, red wine, dessert and coffee. And my friend got Lamb, drinks, dessert and coffee, and it cost 400 SEK, all together!

On Tuesday I went with a friend to The Grill, also another fantastic meat restaurant.

Anyway, I have no pictures to show you right now,  I will do that later. Tomorrow I will take a flight up to Dubai, and except working I have planned for a couple of days of vacation!

This picture I took last year with my mobile camera, is this what I will meet in Stockholm next weekend? You tell me…

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After work thursday the 4th of March

On Thursday we had an all-day meeting at another location then at my normal office. It was a really nice day and since I’m new in the group I got the opportunity to get to know my colleagues better. After the meeting we went for dinner at a restaurant called Mellow. Very nice food, I had great meet, a beer and a fluffy cappuccino. The interior is not that special but after a while they opened up there bar down stairs and it was like going from a regular restaurant into a bar located in Africa. They served lighter food (hamburgers, met balls etc) and crazy drinks influenced by Latin America or Africa, which one I’m not sure about. I had a mojito and above my head there where fish lamps, real, dead, fish lamps…

I would recommend the bar down stairs, Tiki Bar, because it was a complete surprise compared to the upper floor!



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